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Joshua Bardwell AIO Flight Controller

Joshua Bardwell AIO Flight Controller

Product #: 75907
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The new F4 flight controller from Joshua Bardwell has all the latest features, a layout which will make your build clean and easy, an extremely competitive price, the Bardwell F4 AIO Flight Controller is perfect for your quad! Joshua Bardwell has also created a very good manual to go with the flight controller.


- 3-6s F4, AIO board with MPU 6000 gyro
- Superb board layout allowing for easy and clean builds
- Joshua Bardwell authored manual and selected features, manufactured and backed by RaceDayQuads
- Centrally located gyro
- Betaflight OSD w/131a current sensor
- Compact 30.5x30.5 board layout
- 9v filtered power out for VTXs – very strong filtering capability for clean video (the 5v output is also filtered)
- Power Out: 3x 5v, 1x 3.3v, 1x VBAT, 1x VTX filtered power (9v), 1x Camera filtered power (9v);
- 4x UARTS for FRSKY, SBUS, IBUS, SAT (2 inverted UARTS)
- Smart Audio compatibility and Camera Control capability
- Pre-flashed with BF 3.2.2 - Compatible with CLRACINGF4.hex
- Programmable LED pin
- Buzzer pins
- Blackbox capability
- No pinned-connectors – all direct solder for optimal durability
- Included and installed vibration dampeners
- 7.29g Weight


- 1x Joshua Bardwell F4 AIO Flight Controller
- 4x Vibration Isolation Grommets (pre-installed)

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