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Home > PWM Signal Loss Alarm & RC Lost Model Discovery Buzzer
PWM Signal Loss Alarm & RC Lost Model Discovery Buzzer

PWM Signal Loss Alarm & RC Lost Model Discovery Buzzer

Product #: 77183
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A lost model buzzer is a must have accessory for any drone pilot. We've all seen the YouTube videos where a multirotor crashes into a field of long crop, never to be seen again. Well this little RC buzzer could be the savior; think of it like a SOS beacon for your drone. It’s super loud and will guide you right to the aircraft. The buzzer will sound after 60 seconds if your radio control signal is lost. It will also sound if your control sticks are inactive for more than 60 seconds. To fit the buzzer, use it like a servo extension lead; simply connect it between your throttle channel (best for drones) or main servo and your receiver.

Please note this buzzer is not directly compatible with flight control boards like the naze32, they work with 5V Piezo type buzzer, like this


  • Loud >85dB alarm to guide you to your model.
  • Can be used as a reminder to turn off the R/C receiver - will sound after 60 seconds of inactivity.
  • Plugs into any standard 4.8 - 6.0 V DC powered receiver.
  • Small size and weight (~7-grams).

Setup Instructions:

Connect the alarm between a servo / throttle channel and your PWM receiver.

To test if it is functioning: Do not move any of the control stick on the transmitter for 1 min or simply turn it off. You will hear a continuous beep sound after 1 minute. If you ignore the continuous beep sound for around 2 minutes, the beep sound will change to a louder sound. It will stop once you move the control stick or power off the receiver

Fail Safe Buzzer Lost Model Alarm

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