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Programmable LED Board With 5V Buzzer For Naze 32 (50mm x 10mm)

Programmable LED Board With 5V Buzzer For Naze 32 (50mm x 10mm)

Product #: 77248
£5.00 £7.00 28.57% off Price drop alert!
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This neat little product is a two in one; it has an integrated buzzer sitting alongside WS2812B LEDs.

The LEDs are programmable so they can be configured to indicate flight data. If you are using the Naze32 and CC3D flight controllers running Cleanflight, you can program them to use different colours to indicate battery warnings, flight modes, thrust levels and even RSSI strength. For example, you could program a fading pattern from white to red as you throttle up. If you want to keep it simple, you can set the LEDs to just sit at a solid colour. The integrated buzzer can be setup as a low voltage alarm or a lost model alarm. Think of it like a SOS beacon for your drone, it is super loud and will help guide you right to your aircraft should you crash it in long grass.

The board features 6 tiny 5050 (5mmx5mm) RGB LEDs, but if that's not enough you can daisy chain several boards together. The PDB helps to give rigidity to the LEDs, and it has predrilled holes ready for easy mounting.

Cleanflight Naze32 / CC3D Ws2812B RGB LED Board with Integrated Buzzer Wiring

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