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OpenLog Naze32 Cleanflight Blackbox SD Card Flight Data Recorder

OpenLog Naze32 Cleanflight Blackbox SD Card Flight Data Recorder

Product #: 77197
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Cleanflight supports lots of great features, but one you might not know about is its 'BlackBox' function. It lets you do exactly what the name suggests; record flight data. This can be really useful for diagnosing problems and it can also be a great PID tuning aid. The CC3D and Naze32 Full come with 2MB of onboard flash memory, but it's pretty limiting, with it you can only record about 3 minutes of flight. The Naze32 Acro doesn't have any memory at all. The solution is the OpenLog data logger which records onto a micro SD card. The captured flight data logs can then be converted to CSV for analysis and you can even overlay them onto your flight video with the BlackBox viewer Chrome application.

The blackbox records flight data on every iteration of the flight control loop. It records the current time in microseconds, P, I and D corrections for each axis, your RC command stick positions (after applying expo curves), gyroscope data, accelerometer data (after your configured low-pass filtering), barometer and sonar readings, 3-axis magnetometer readings, raw VBAT and current measurements, RSSI, and the command being sent to each motor speed controller. This is all stored without any approximation or loss of precision, so even quite subtle problems should be detectable from the fight data log.

Required: microSDHC card / FTDI Programmer


OpenLog Cleanflight Blackbox Flight Data Recorder Screenshot

Flight Data Video Overlay

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