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CW Quick Release Prop Adapter - TL68B42

CW Quick Release Prop Adapter - TL68B42

Product #: 76894
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Quick release prop adapters are a great upgrade for any multirotor. The obvious benefit is being able to quickly remove large propellers to make transportation easier and protect your props from damage; but there are other reasons to use them to.

We've all read the warnings instructing us to remove propellers before connecting your drone to the computer for configuration, and sometimes never bothered to. Well with quick release prop adapters there's no excuse. The props can be removed in seconds without using any tools, leaving you free to setup you multirotor without the risk of spinning props.

Additionally, by being able to quickly change props, means you can easily adapt your platform to carry different payloads.

These Tarot quick release prop adapters are sold individually, as CW (clockwise) or CCW (counterclockwise) adapters - the direction referring to the corresponding motor spin direction. For a quadcopter you will need to order four adapters, two CW and two CCW.

The adapters are available in four colour options, so it might make sense to have one colour for the CW adapters and another for the CCW adapters. That way, you’ll be able to easily distinguish them.

With the quick release prop adapter plate installed, fixing your props can literally be completed in a few seconds. Simply attach by spinning the props onto their corresponding motors. They are self-tightening, but we recommend that you make sure they are secured by locking them up by hand.

The adapters are designed for used with direct mount props (4mm shaft), but they can also be used with traditional hub type propellers by mounting a shaft prop adapter to the quick release prop adapter - compatible with M3 12mm hole spacings.

Compatible with Direct Mount (T-Syle) Prop Adapters

Compatible with Traditional Shaft Type Prop Adapters

Prop Adapter Dimensions and Mounting Holes (M3x12mm)

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