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Jetbot AI Robot Kit for Nvidia Jetson

Jetbot AI Robot Kit for Nvidia Jetson

Product #: 126759
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Building smart robots have always been the read from many geek enthusiasts, but in reality most robot kits are not that smart.  Well that was the case before Nvidia introduced the Jetson board which enables AI projects for the masses.  This Jetbot kit is build around the Jetson platform which includes many plug and play examples to turn this kit into a robot that isn’t that dumb thanks to the integrated camra.

With the intelligent eye (front camera), facial recognition, object tracking, auto line following, and collision avoidance can be easily achieved. It also comes with ROS nodes code, which makes it easy to get started with the open source ROS (Robot Operating System), and to learn the system framework and concepts of ROS.

If you’ve got a Jetson Nano on your desk right now, combined with our open source code and tutorials, the Jetbot Kit would be the ideal choice for you to be on the cutting edge of robotics development.



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