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Home > 12X Transmitter Screen Protectors
12X Transmitter Screen Protectors

12X Transmitter Screen Protectors

Product #: 65068
In Stock
2 Screen Protectors for the JR 12x.
In JR’s words “From it's exclusive durable precision-cast magnesium transmitter housing to it's ultra-legible high-resolution backlit display everything about your 12X speaks of the kind of quality that’s a benchmark of JR equipment.” With the above said wouldn’t you want to add an RC Screen Protector to this wonderful large LCD screen? Does a magnesium case mean as much if the screen is unprotected?
 Please don’t confuse our Screen Protectors with the shipping protector your transmitter came with. Your new transmitter comes with a high-resolution backlit screen and deserves the super clarity of our Screen Protectors. You will see a stunning improvement over the soft unclear milky shipping protector your transmitter may have shipped with.

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