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Home > ISDT FD-100 Smart Battery Discharger
ISDT FD-100 Smart Battery Discharger

ISDT FD-100 Smart Battery Discharger

Product #: 73435
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The iSDT FD-100 Battery Discharger is a sleek and compact discharging solution for LiPo batteries ranging from 2s to 8s. Simplistic functionality allows for quick and easy set up for various batteries and discharging need. By selecting the proper number of cells, the discharger will ensure that the voltage is within proper range before automatically discharging. Based on wattage and voltage, the maximum discharge amperage will vary. As the voltage decreases, the discharge will slowly ramp up the amperage of discharge based on the selection at the time the discharge process has initiated.

In order to always discharge at the highest rate, you can simply leave your selections at 6A being careful that you match the discharge rate to the battery discharge rating.

Programmed from the factory, the FD-100 is set to discharge the batteries down to 3.8V per cell. However, when connected to the iSDT SC-Linker (ISD-USB) (Not Included), the cut off voltage can be adjusted via PC software or with a compatible iSDT charger.


- Dimension 57mm x 120mm x 43mm
- Weight 295g
- Max Discharger 80W
- Minimum input voltage 6V
- Maximum input voltage 35V
- Battery cells 2-8S
- Auto cut off protection Support
- Abnormal voltage alarm Support
- Wrong cell setting alarm Support
- Beeper sound 80dB


- 1x ISDT FD-100 Smart Battery Discharger

IMPORTANT: Never charge batteries unattended! Constant supervision is required as batteries can be dangerous when mishandled. We recommend charging your batteries inside a protective charging bag.

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