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Home > M5 CW/CCW Self-Locking Prop Adpaters for DYS BE1806 & DYS BE2204
M5 CW/CCW Self-Locking Prop Adpaters for DYS BE1806 & DYS BE2204

M5 CW/CCW Self-Locking Prop Adpaters for DYS BE1806 & DYS BE2204

Product #: 76893
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As standard the DYS BE1806 motor comes with a 5mm CW prop adapter. This is fine for your CW spinning motors, as it will be self-tightening due to the rotation of the motor. For the CCW spinning motors the story is very different; the rotation can cause the prop spinner to become loose with obvious consequences. This is solved by tightening down the prop spinner or by using a M5 locking nut, neither ideal. This prop adapter upgrade kit solves the problem. It has CW and CCW prop adapters, so both will be self-locking.

The adapter is designed for use with the DYS BE1806 & DYS BE 2204 motor, but it's compatible with many other small high-KV motors. The adapter has M2 fixing holes spaced 19mm apart.

Tip: To make sure you have the correct adapter for the motor, hold the spinner still and turn the motor in its spin direction by hand. If the spinner tightens onto the shaft, it is the correct one for the motor.

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