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Home > FrSky SBUS to PWM Decoder with Pins
FrSky SBUS to PWM Decoder with Pins

FrSky SBUS to PWM Decoder with Pins

Product #: 77137
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This neat little unit will convert an S.Bus output into four traditional PWM channels. This allows you to use standard analog or digital servos with your SBUS compatible receiver, eliminating the need for using pricey SBUS specific servos. It also lets you expand compatible receivers with four extra PWM channels. For example, you can connect it to the SBus output of the FrSky X8R Receiver to get four extra channels; if you use a Y-cable and another SBUS to PWM Decoder you can add another four channels to make available sixteen channels in total!

Please note: The FrSky Servo Channel Changer is required (sold separately) to change assignment of channel outputs.

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