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T-Motor T9545-A Self Tightening Props – Pair

T-Motor T9545-A Self Tightening Props – Pair

Product #: 75235
In Stock

Product Description

One pair of T-Motor T9545-A propellers (self-tightening) for T-Motor Air Gear 350 multirotor copter power set.

includes a single CW propeller and a single CCW propeller with the self-tightening nut.

The included bullet nut can be pushed out if you need to mount the propellers in another way.
These propellers can be mounted either using the included self-tightening nut, or using the clamp method supported by Air Gear/Navigator motors. They can also be mounted in the traditional way just using a nut.

T Motor 9545AT Motor 9545AT Motor 9545AT Motor 9545A

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